quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2008


SEBASTIÃO VOTRE por Isabel Frantz e Monibel Costa
Sebastião Votre was born in Araranguá on December 14, 1944. His father is Italian and his mother was descendant from Xoklen Indians. He has six children, four men and two women, two are English teachers.
At UFSM (University Federal of Santa Maria) at 1968, he had special interest in Portuguese, but a brilliant teacher got his attention to Beowoulf written in Old English.
He started to study in a municipal school. He graduated and taught at the College of Alegrete. He did his doctorate at UFRJ (University Federal of Rio de Janeiro) and PUC (Pontific University Catholic).Today he is retired from UFRJ and associate Professor at UFF (University Federal Fluminense). At the moment, he is busy with a fascinating project, the production of manual to develop academic genre.

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